Rose DeMarco – San Diego Lesbian Realtor

Rose DeMarco - San Diego Lesbian Realtor

San Diego Lesbian Realtor Working With Diverse Clientele

Rose has enjoyed an interesting and variety of occupations including Retiring from the Navy, Business & Computer Science College Professor, High School Teacher, and Life Insurance. Rose has also managed her own Notary Signing Company under S&R Notary Solutions for over 21 years

As a San Diego lesbian Realtor, she is very familiar with the real estate market. She earned a degree to be a Real Estate Broker, but since starting her real estate career late in life, it has been a blessing in disguise. Recently certified as a Probate Real Estate Specialist. 

After surviving a horrific car crash in 200, she rebuilt her future. She retired from teaching and built up her notary business and then obtained her real estate license to move forward in life. Rose & Sondy love traveling, and real estate provides the income to enjoy visiting unfamiliar places and traveling with her wife in their RV on a variety of trips not to mention renting it out and managing an Airbnb business for 5 years in our home.

See Rose’s Expanded Listing on Gay Realty Network Here

San Diego Gay Realtors and Real Estate Professionals

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